Saturday, December 1, 2012

Jing Video- Extra Credit


A Discussion Of My Experience In This Class As A Whole

My favorite module this semester was probably a tie between the wiki module and the blogging module. I really didn’t know anything at all about wikis and I learned a GREAT deal about them, including all of the different things you can utilize them for. I’m such a huge organization freak and knowing that I can use wikis to help keep my projects at home, at work, and at school in order is outstanding. I genuinely had no idea!
I also really enjoyed the blogging module. Although I already had a small amount of experience with blogging, I still gained quite a lot of valuable experience from this course and am really very excited to continue delving into the world of blogging using the tools that you have provided!
I would have to say that my least favorite module, as I’m sure you are probably expecting, was the HTML module. Honestly this was not because I did not enjoy learning about HTML- I actually thoroughly enjoyed it and would love to learn more about it! It was really quite interesting getting to learn about how the computer reads the codes we give it and turns them into the sites. The frustration came from the disconnection I had with my Mac and the programs. I had to delete and restart three times over, and in the end my assignment got turned in late, which is completely unlike me. In general, I think this would have been something that I would have liked to learn about in my own time, rather than with a time limit.
After this course, I plan on continuing to use the information learned about wikis, blogging, and WYSIWYG sites in various ways. I want to play around with all of them and see how they may benefit me best. With wikis, I will probably be using them as organizational tools to try and assist me in dealing with my hectic life a little better, however I want to try and learn how to become a better blogger and would even like to create a better blog on my own!
Concerning HTML, I would also be interested in attempting to learn the methods to the madness a bit better so that I can attempt using CSS and truly create MY OWN website that is literally everything that I alone put together. I think that the sense of satisfaction that I would obtain from that accomplishment would be fantastic, and that would also be a skill that would be phenomenal to be able to list on my resumes in the future.
In general, I think this course has provided me with the ability to be able to confidently say that I am familiar with a variety of technologies and market myself in such a way that greatly improves my chances of getting hired after graduation. I will continue to research and delve into world of web publishing, and am glad to have been subjected to this course this semester!

A Discussion Of My Blogging Experience

As I mentioned previously, I have had some minor experience with blogging through Wordpress, and have really loved it. I haven’t really gotten to explore around as much as I would like, however I would like to say that I am thoroughly THRILLED about the article that you provided for us about the ’Top 10 Free Blogging Tools I can’t Live Without’. There are quite a few listed that I have yet to explore, and I am so excited to try them out on my own blog.
I have never worked with Google Blogs before, and although I found it quite easy to use and had absolutely no problem whatsoever with the blogging experience itself, I felt the blog outcome was a little lackluster compared to my own blog so I probably won’t be converting anytime soon! I did enjoy the chance to get to try a new blogging ‘product’, however!
In comparison to HTML, I think I relate to the blogging experience much more and find it much easier to use- I honestly probably won’t ever use HTML on my own after this class. In terms of comparing blogging to the WYSIWYG format, I find it to be about the same, and could honestly see myself hopping back and forth between the two, depending on my needs. I feel as if I will really begin to utilize wikis much more, however, for organization and projects rather than a ‘blogging’ experience, which is more of what I think of for the blog and WYSIWYG sites.

Some Holiday Thoughts, and a Cheerful Image!

"We ALL think we’re going to be GREAT and we feel a "little bit robbed when our EXPECTATIONS aren’t met. But SOMETIMES expectations sell us SHORT.Sometimes the expected simply pales in COMPARISON to the unexpected. You got to wonder why we CLING to our expectations, because the expected is just what keeps us steady. STANDING. Still, the expected's just the beginning, the UNEXPECTED is what changes our lives."

“And Hansel said to Gretel: Let us DROP these bread crumbs so that TOGETHER we can find our way home because LOSING our way would be the most CRUEL of things... And once you lose yourself, you have two CHOICES: Find the person you used to be or lose that person COMPLETELY. Because sometimes you have to step OUTSIDE of the person you've been and remember the person you were MEANT to be. The person you WANTED to be. The person you ARE.”

Check out more awesome images here!